The Orange [4]
* Inspired by michael
"I want you to do this with me for one month. One month. Write 10 observations a week and by the end of four weeks, you will have an answer. Because when someone writes about the rustic gutter and the water pouring through it onto the muddy grass, the real pours into the room. And it's thrilling. We're all enlivened by it. We don't have to find more than the rustic gutter and the muddy grass and the pouring cold water."
- Marie Howe
13.03.25 - Typing while in class and stressing because of Mom's request for an Uber. A brown butterfly. Standing up for an hour for being late and waiting for the van. Jazz from outside while washing dishes pt.3. Mom shouted curses at me and tried to hit me while in the bed. Hurtful words and actions, Dad says to just let it go. Canceled gym classes. Video-call with brother. Got to know another classmate, but don't feel like getting to close yet - I weirdly feel like I'm hiding myself. My right hand has been painfully-spasming since last week. Benny's baby green-gray mastress on my bedroom floor. Praying while trying to sleep, late at night. During the train ride, a red store named 'Sao Miguel'. On my schedule it says: Do good deeds to others.
12.03.25 - A calico cat at uni. Three butterflies - one orange, two yellow. Jazz from outside while washing dishes and cutting yellow pepoper 2. Mud-stained sneakers. Code instead of CoD. Learned that all of grandma's cats had president names in chronological order, even the stray ones at her building.
11.03.25 - Saw three herons and one hawk during the train ride. A orange butterfly. Jazz from outside while washing dishes.
06.03.25 - A sunflower seed at the bathroom floor. A tree full or herons. A dog vest decorated with our favorite soccer team. Night crying. On the subway for the second time.
05.03.25 - chocolate cake, late at night.
02.03.25 - A small swirly seashell with cute patterns.
01.03.25 - A dinossaur statue in front of the drugstore.
24.02.25 - Benny keeps sitting behind my chair.
22.02.25 - Peeling hot potatoes.
21.02.25 - My legs hurt from lack of exercise.
19.02.25 - In the morning, thunder so loud I thought the sky would fall.
18.02.25 - Late at night, my stomach rumbles. Self-punishment, lack of dinner. Two rainbow tails ending in the sea. No motivation, unmade bed.
17.02.25 - A group of flying herons. Lots of small birds in the subway station, one is perched on the ceiling, sleeping.
12.02.25 - At the radiology clinic, a colourful painting of a cat. Startled by the sound of sudden heavy rain.
11.02.25 - Hippie guy on the beach selling colorful paintings and playing guitar. Discussing birds with Dad in the car. The sound of the waves. A hiding moon.
10.02.25 - Two yellow butterflies.
09.02.25 - A little bird on my window woke me up this morning.
08.02.25 - A broken frog keychain stored inside Dad's car.
07.02.25 - Brother made a paper boat with our bank ticket.
05.02.25 - Cramps. Neck pain. I'm happy with my haircut.
02.01.25 - Ate popcorn twice tonight.
01.01.25 - Scalding hot water while showering. Self-punishment.
31.01.25 - Orange cake for breakfast.
30.01.25 - A yellow plane. Many vultures circling in the sky.
28.01.25 - Three dogs tied up outside the mini market, one of them a dalmatian.
23.01.25 - The red lights of the cameras from the building across the widow of my bedroom. Three lit candles.
22.01.25 - A purple bruise on my knee.
21.02.25 - The suffocating smell of resin inside the bow when we learned how to turn the boat around, in the water, while it was upside down.
19.01.25 - Dad "illegally" smuggled his cell phone into my uncle's hospital room so he could listen to Louis Armstrong.
17.01.25 - Raindrops falling from my cap like diamonds.
16.01.25 - Pigeon footprints in the sand.
14.01.25 - A rainy beach; angry sea; lonely sand. 'TOMORROW YOU ARE ANOTHER'.
12.01.25 - Benny turned 12 on the 12th.
10.01.25 - Boat's names: 'GENESIS, FILHODOPAI, ...'. I lost my cap at sea.
05.01.25 - The meatl ranger of the ferries. Cold sea water. Naruto quizz with a friend.
03.01.25 - Picking up trash at the beach (two full bags). Cute bird with only one leg. Notebook stopped working (again). Learning how to crochet with white-pink yarn while looking at my mother's hands. The taste of the pasta I made.
02.01.25 - A sparkling star and a smiley moon. A man on the window of a hotel room.
01.01.25 - Trash on the ocean. A dog sleeping beside the bikes on the sand. My parent's laughter while watching a movie.
28.12.24 - Learning the regional variant of card games. a tick on the floor. A rainbow on the hotel table. Bitter, bitter coffee. Mom used salt instead of sugar.
27.12.24 - Birds flying in a V formation
24.12.24 - Woken up by the sound of cicadas and Brother learning how to use the lawn mower. An image of an angel, 'Be strong'. A sky with clouds like plucked cotton. Karaoke and full belly laughs.
21.12.24 - Fullness. A butterfly with '88' written on its wings.
20.12.24 - A Saint George sticker on the back of a car. Many visible stars. The smell of green.
19.12.24 - A surprise on the Shiba Plush tag: 'Aysha - With love, from Mara'
18.12.24 - A green VW Beetle. Seven days until Christmas. Waiting on a bench outside the hospital. Watching the progress of an ant carrying a stone.
17.12.24 - Cold wind hitting my face. A surprise gift. Watching people cycling. A pantry named 'Saint George'.
16.12.14 - Saw a firefly up close for the first time. Laughter, sleepness, happiness.
15.12.24 - Calf bruise. The cold glass cup numbing my fingers. Homesickness.
14.12.24 - A heron outside my hotel room window. The honey brown shade of my mother's eyes. Her words sting like a bee.
12.12.24 - Numbers: 28, 275, 81.
11.12.24 - A scratch from climbing up a tree. Fake roses. Headache. Period pain.
08.12.24 - An uncommon stretch of light on the night sky. Almost fell down the stairs. Late conversations. Disappointment.
07.12.24 - Two wodden dolphins. A ladybug at the shower booth.
04.12.24 - A tree fighting against the wind. Cravings and headache. A parrot's cry.
27.11.24 - The sound of Benny's nails hitting the floor.
26.11.24 - 'HARD LUCK'. A 'penguin with a frog's hat' keychain across a car's windshield. Confessions. Silent Blood Center - keyboard noises and cool AC.
24.11.24 - A rusted razor. Slight pang at my left finger pads. H. Eccles's Violin Sonata.
22.11.24 - The yellow pages of my first Bible. Neck pain. Green nails. A baby's cry.
21.11.24 - In the kitchen at night, the sound of chatter from a restaurant on our street.
18.11.24 - In the kitchen at night, the sound of a clock ticking.
14.11.24 - My phone's screen protector is chipping at the edges.
11.11.24 - My bag smells like rotten banana.
10.11.24 - A black vulture in the middle of the bike path that I thought was a big chicken.
09.11.24 - The incense coming from the thurible curling in the air. A comforting smell. White roses blooming.
07.11.24 - 'The Birth of Venus' printed on a tote bag with 'Botticelli' written under the painting.
05.11.24 - The stinging smell of onions.
29.10.24 - While walking to the school, a white flower on the sidewalk. Construction workers on top of a bad restaurant's roof. The word 'dovale' carved on the right key to the back door.
24.10.24 - A bug clinging to the outside of the car window.
20.10.24 - A rooster crowing at dawn.
10.10.24 - The smell of eucalyptus inside the elevator this morning.
07.10.24 - A bird chirping at the window of the living room.
20.09.24 - A seven of clubs card on the floor of the bathroom stall.
29.09.24 - In the way to church, a tree with leaves the color of live copper.
27.09.24 - A bright sky the color of light.
26.09.24 - Mom blinks one eye and then the other, again and again. I start doing it back and we cackle at our silliness.
"Not everyone can do that, you know?" she says smugly while smilling from her place in front of me. We are both sitting on top of my matress, and its already late. I have showered and put on my pajamas, ready to sleep when she entered my room, turning the the star shaped light on and hurting my eyes.
"I am blind!" I complained to her, after hiding my face behind one of my plushies - the pink bunnie, Pirata, "Why do you always turn on the light when you see that I am lying down and the room is dark? You do it everytime."
Mom came to give me makeup she purchased for me.
"If someone can't do that, they have a problem." I reply after we both stop blinking madly. "They would be abnormal."
She thinks for a moment before responding, "Well," she starts, "We are the most normal family in the world, - like the Adam's Family!" Mom starts to sing the intro song of the Adam's Family show while making the beat with her fingers on the bed but, instead, she ends up with Pink Panther's jingle. "Oh, wait. I got it wrong."
"Adam's Family?!" I exclaim and snort out loud, "Do you even know what you are talking about?"
"Of course!"
"But they are so weird, the opposite of what you just said! They even have a pet hand - The Thing."
"What?! A hand? Stop talking about it!" she was disgusted and walked out of my room while I giggled at her back.
25.04.24 - A red strand of hair on the shower floor.
24.04.24 - I saw a dead pigeon on my way to the beach today. They have also cut down the tree with the pretty pink flowers.
23.04.24 - The light on my bedroom is green as it comes from the window.