As The Wren Sheds Her Feathers [1]
Hello, stranger.
Yes, I'm talking to you, the one who's been reading all of this miniscule pixels on some screen, probably hurting your eyes from the effort. This baby is my amalgamation of some of the things I apreciate about life. But, as my interests are fickle and wane, this website will be under renovation status for as long as I can type.
[2] Tentomushi or Ladybug as a concept, previosly known under other names, was the result of a fever dream that reduced me to some sleepness nights while I attempted to learn to code in a week. Not my greatest idea, but I didn't know what I was gonna be plunged in. This is now one of my footprints on earth, a living grave. It's a great thought, to be polishing my headstone, choosing how others will see me as in the future when I'm no longer around.
(This became depressing really fast! So let's continue before I say something weird again.)
This is my personal blog, where I post many personal things. Please thread with caution for any warnings. I'm trying to make this site as acessible as possible, but it's a slow process, please bear with me! At last,
Thanks for passing by,

Not A Lot, Just Forever
[1] The 'wren shedding its feathers' talks about growing up. It could be to reference that as we grow up we lose people memories and parts of ourselves and we will continue to do this throughout our entire lives - 'not a lot just forever'. However, she could be saying that though she will lose parts of her life as time goes on - she never wants to 'shed' him, he is not a feather - he is something far more crucial to the bird.
[2] Tentomushi - English Translation: Ladybug. Each kanji literally represents sky (where gods exist), path and bug, respectively. It comes from their behavior to climb up to the end of a branch, or any stick-shaped thing, before they fly (towards the sun). People thought they were showing way to the sun, or sun god, tento.
[3] Small Joys of Adult Life - Two and Two are Four
Since two and two are four,
I know that life is worth living,
Even though bread is expensive
And freedom is small.
How clear your eyes are
And your skin is dark.
How blue the ocean
And the pond, serene.
Like a time of joy
Behind the terror beckons me
And the night carries the day
On its lap of azucena.
I know that two and two are four,
I know that life is worth living
even if bread is expensive
and freedom is small.
- Ferreira Gullar