Apr. 22nd, 2015

Entry Six

Quisque sed semper felis. Donec iaculis enim et libero vulputate, at volutpat neque fringilla. Integer pellentesque congue tristique. Nullam faucibus at dolor eget ultrices. Mauris fringilla blandit ipsum tincidunt ultricies. Praesent eleifend lacus mattis vulputate porta. Mauris blandit sem ac nisl luctus, nec facilisis arcu vulputate. Cras mauris quam, tempus ac maximus ac, blandit at urna.

[info]tessisamess is a mod at [info]rpresources!

Vestibulum tempus feugiat mi, ac eleifend massa laoreet sit amet. Etiam auctor egestas turpis at pharetra. Aenean mollis, leo eu pharetra tempor, ipsum mi venenatis elit, vel tristique lorem nunc at tellus. In dictum suscipit luctus. Sed blandit, turpis at blandit aliquet, magna mauris dictum sapien, eget imperdiet felis quam varius magna. Curabitur interdum, ipsum sit amet ultrices mollis, felis tortor tempus ligula, vitae venenatis quam arcu vitae metus. Curabitur mollis felis felis, ut tempus augue commodo nec. Nulla venenatis fringilla diam sit amet pulvinar. Nulla facilisi. Quisque ullamcorper ornare odio, dictum commodo ante tempus at. Nullam vel arcu tortor. Donec consectetur sagittis eros, et aliquam turpis eleifend quis. Sed eget scelerisque nulla.

Entry Five

Suspendisse neque sapien, egestas in aliquam sit amet, dapibus sit amet turpis. Maecenas in ornare tellus, vitae congue urna. Pellentesque vitae fermentum turpis. Vestibulum egestas dolor enim, eget maximus eros viverra sed. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus aliquet elementum blandit. Donec eget varius risus. Nam condimentum nisl urna, sed posuere velit bibendum at. Nullam ut elit elit.

june 9th, 2024

I've first came upon Haikyuu! around 2017 or 2018. I was very knew to anime stuff, and started watching because of a friend's recomendation. The first anime I've watched was 'Blue Exorcist' and I still hold it dear to my heart. After some time, I lost track of the episodes, because I think they were still being released. I'm pretty sure I did watch at least two seasons, but then I totally forgot about it because of a traumatic episode /j.

I loved it at the time, so much that I even bought a volleyball and knee protectors! But, then, one day when I was playing with my friends my ball got stolen and I got pretty upset. It wasn't cheap and I've spent a lot of time practicing with it in my room for so long that I became disheartened. Passing some years, during my senior year in high school I entered the volley class in school and started going to classes on the beach. It was a very good experience, because I got to grow into my skills and had a team sport making me get closer to some friends.

Sadly, my beach volley classes were at night and they usually ended by 9 pm, which was very late so I always got home deadin my feet. If you don't know, beach volley it's pretty intense and much harder than gym volley. My legs always ended up burning so much lol. It was during senior year and because I had to do so much studying for tests I ended up quitting ballet. At the time, I did grown into it after some years of reluctance I was progressing and it was neat. I still miss it and hope to someday do both volley and ballet.

So, my obssession ressurected after I watched a video on youtube some days ago about Kita's -from Inarizaki- philosophy. I'll link it here. It did awoke something in me that I missed. The feeling I had during my middle school years and the drive. Now, being without my friends because of college entrance exams, it really gave me the company I needed and the comforting sensation of following something, you know? Anyways, I'm so out of shape! DOn't worry Shinsuke-san, I'l become someone you would be proud to call a friend!

may 18th, 2024

Yesterday, my father and I watched Akira Kurosawa's film 'Dreams'. Usually I'm not one to like movies, or going to the cinema, because I almost always end up feeling like I have waisted precious time, specially when I start early and finish it at noon. But I liked it a lot - it was certainly very different from any western modern media taht we see being popular today - it was more like Miyazaki's pieces, in the way that explored themes like Japanese mythology, nature, war and art. I think my favorite moments were:

"Sunshine Through the Rain" we do not know if the boy received the kitsune's forgivness or if he had to commit suicide. I think that the fact that the mother kicked him out of the house made it seem, at the same time, more realistic and more fantastical.

"The Peach Orchard" also stood out to me because I've been reading works regarding japanese tree yoikai, so it was very cool to see how they would look visually, without descriptions.

"The Blizzard" was a brilliant move and carefully crafted. The way the sounds of harsh breathing drag longer than you'd expect and the visual impairement makes you feel uneasy, unlike modern day filming who focuses on the actors more than in the nature of the scene. It's like you are there with them, and the despair seems to choke you from the screen. I was surprised by the happy ending, but as Kurosawa said before: "Even in tragic stories, there should be some happy parts."

"The Tunnel" was one of those media moments that nests in your heart for you to remember for a long while. The way the soldier wanted to go back home, the dog with the weaponry, the revelation that only the commander survive from a huge platoon, when he cries, whising he could have gone with them...it was very unsettling. I loved

, and I guess Van Gogh would have love it too. It was a beautiful show of surrealism and impressionist art.When he entered the first frame I was spechlees by the dedication put on having the setting to be so perfect, I felt I was inside them too!

"Mount Fuji in Red"
was that type of dream you get in the night when you wake up from a nightmare with sweat all over your body - like when imagining a zombie apocalise. I think the worst part is the truthfulness of it, and the way they had to abide their deaths, beacuse there was no fight to battle over - the enemy had alredy won.

"The Weeping Demon" show us the aftermath of the last dream, and the future that await us, the way society still has its power even during th eend of times was a topic that stuck with me - demons with 2 or 3 horns were on the top of the food chain, and were important people while humans, that is why they eat the weak and lower demons.

Admist all of this suffering, "Village of the Watermills" gives us hope. If we can work towards embracing nature again, perhaps what happened during the previous nightmares won't befall on us. All throughout the movie I felt that Kurosawa captured exactly the reality of a dream, - the boldness you get from being asleep, the fear of it being real, the calm and acceptance that drugs your body... At least it's how I saw it.
People go on about how hard life is, but that’s just a lot of talk. Honestly, it’s good to be alive. It’s quite exciting. - Dreams, 1990 dir. by Akira Kurosawa

may 14th, 2024

I almost forgot how to code and my neo acoount was collecting dust. I want to renovate everything around here, like the house design tv shows on bbc. Tearing the walls down!

Now, for the news. My mom traveled to Portugal yesterday. I wish I went with her, bc I've never been to Europe before. I guess I'll have the chance to go there some other time. I've also started going to the gym near my apartment and it feels great. My leg pains have vanished and I've been growing my biceps! My goal it's to run 5km on the treadmill and to do at least 5 full push-ups. It's good to see myself improving both in the physical aspect and on the mental too. I've been doing better in mock exams and on life in general.

I hope everything works out and that I put in the effort necessary for it to do so.

May 11th, 2024

I'm going to have to transfer all my entries from my old code to here... sigh

Everything feels so tiring these days, and I hate that I become lazy and don't put much effort on what I must do. So much things do study and so few hours in a day.